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We Gather Here
     in Jesus' Name

"So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."  Romans 12:5

Who We Are


   At Western Hills Church of Christ, our vision is to be a growing Church providing ministries to meet the needs of those seeking God. 

   We desire to be warm, friendly, gracious, inviting, non-judgmental; yet holding strong convictions that always come directly from the Bible. It is our absolute and unwavering conviction that to be strong in truth without being gentle in manner is unbiblical. It is also our profound conviction that being gentle in manner while not adhering to scriptural truth is also unbiblical. By God's Grace, we will be both as we press on to accomplish His mission for us individually and collectively. 

   Our church mission is clearly stated in Matthew 28:19, where Jesus issues the Great Commission to his disciples at Galilee: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

What We Do

   We are convinced that our church must not be so broadly open that it fails to make vitally important distinctions which the Bible itself makes; nor are we to insist that every member share the same precise set of theological convictions.

   To say that we are evangelical means that we take our stand with all those who believe in what is referred to as the "the fundamentals": the existence of the triune God, the deity of Jesus, the virgin birth, the atonement of Christ, the sure return of Christ and the infallibility and divine authority of the Bible which is a faithful and true guide to what we are to believe and how we are to live. We joyfully affirm our unity with those who hold to these fundamentals including those true believers in Christ who, for whatever reasons, find themselves members of denominations or churches with which we might have certain disagreements.

   We are evangelical, therefore we take seriously the Great Commission which we believe is our mission as a church. We affirm the responsibility of each person to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and our responsibility to extend the Gospel invitation as a call to salvation to everyone who hears its message. We invite all without distinction to drink freely of the Water of Life and to live eternally.


Where We Are Going


   The first worship service for Western Hills was held in the cafeteria of Eisenhower Junior High School on the first Sunday in January, 1963. Seventy people attended that service, with John Kiser delivering the first message. In February of 1964, Western Hills moved into its new facility located at 53rd.
   Over the past 50-plus years, our congregation has grown in number and in spirit. The beauty of Western Hills is that we love the Lord and each other. Although many changes have been made over the years, our mission has never wavered: Seeking the lost in the name of Jesus. Our hearts are always open to any and all who come our way. 

   As we move into the future, we believe that only greater things lie ahead with Christ as our guide and His spirit as our strength. Growing together, serving together and loving God together is our pledge to you. Come and join the family of God at Western Hills and find your place where you can serve Him and grow in His truth and understanding.


Sunday Morning Bible Class: 9:30 am  |  Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Wednesday Evening Class: 6:30 pm

CONTACT US           (580) 353-4890

1108 NW 53rd Street | Lawton, OK | 73505

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