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ARISE is our yearly uplifting conference for all aged adults. Often times we may find it difficult to cultivate those all important relationships across age barriers but our goal is to bring tools to the lives of all generations to help bind us together in rearing our children, maneuvering our education years, finding our place in the workforce, and in stepping into our golden years. May we all learn to be of one Spirit and to help each other grow closer to Christ.


The times and cultures continue to change, but the one thing that can always be relied upon is the love that God has for His people. He loves all eternally, unconditionally, and immeasurably. Throughout this conference, Robert will give us biblical direction on how to apply that kind of love to all people, for all times, in all situations. He will teach us about God’s design for sex and give encouragement to all of us to live a life of sexual integrity. Some topics to be addressed include God's original design for sex, dealing with pornography, different perspectives on sex (from monogamous to casual to adulterous to abstinence), truths about the LGBTQ community, and so much more. He will also give suggestions about how to best love our neighbors - even when we disagree with them.



Robert Oglesby is the Director of Abilene Christian University’s Center for Youth and Family Ministry. He likes viewing life from the seat of a fast moving Harley or from atop a 14,000-foot mountain peak. He is a risk-taker; which makes him a perfect fit for his chosen vocation -- youth ministry! Mentoring, guiding and developing young people is definitely a high-risk undertaking, but Robert is so good at it that he helps youth ministers across the country become the best they can be. Robert was the full-time youth and family minister at his home church of Southern Hills Church of Christ from 1984-1999. He then became staff full-time at ACU. He is now director of the youth and family center at ACU, he teaches courses in ministry, and he continues to maintain his involvement in youth ministry.


On the Sixth Night

Robert will set up a theological framework that originates from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. We will look at the creation of man and woman and the first command to be fruitful and multiply.

Saturday, February 8 at 2:00 p.m.

Pursuing Sexual Integrity (Parts 1 & 2)

Robert will focus on ideas we all struggle with to include topics such as purity, homosexuality, identity, pornography, and more. (Time will be given to take a break during this session.)

Saturday, February 8 at 3:00-5:00 p.m.

How and When to Talk to Kids About Sex

Robert will lay out age-appropriate advice on talking with young people about sex and sexual integrity. Whether you are a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent or friend - this information is priceless!

Saturday, February 8 at 5:00 p.m.

Question & Answer Session

Robert will answer questions that have been submitted before the conference or during Saturday's sessions. Be sure to get your questions in!

Sunday, February 9 at 9:30 a.m. (Bible Class)

From Church to Culture Convicted Civility

Robert will discuss loving our neighbors when we don't agree and how to be civil within our disagreements.

Sunday, February 9 at 10:30 a.m. (Worship)

Pursuing Sexual Integrity (Teen Session)

Robert will reiterate all we learned throughout the weekend, but he will specifically address issues facing teens in today's culture. This is a session you won't want your kids to miss!

Sunday, February 9 at 5:30 p.m. (Sunday Night Live)

  • Who Are We?
    Western Hills Church of Christ is a Bible teaching church with a deep desire to live out the great commission Jesus put forth in Matthew 28:19. For more information, visit our ABOUT US section on this website.
  • Is There A Cost To Attend?
    No! You will not have to pay anything to attend. We will accept any donation you wish to provide to help further our outreach ministries.
  • Who Should Attend What Event?
    Although anyone who is interested in any of these topics are welcome to attend, we wanted to let you know the target audience for each session.  The sessions on Saturday will be more geared toward adults; however any interested teen is welcome to attend as well.  Q & A Session—Anyone who has any questions or is interested in learning more about Spiritual Warfare is encouraged to attend. There will be no regularly scheduled Bible classes for anyone high school or older on this day so that they can attend this session. We will hold regularly scheduled classes for middle school and younger students that morning.  Worship: Spiritual Warfare: The Church—Everyone is welcome to worship with us on Sunday morning and hear Patrick’s message about how the church can recognize and combat spiritual warfare.
  • Is Baby Sitting Available?
    Yes! We will be offering childcare for children from birth to fifth grade. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED if you plan to take advantage of the free childcare. There is no cost for childcare but we will be accepting donations to offset snacks and supplies.
  • Will There Be Food?
    We will provide light snacks and refreshments during breaks on Saturday afternoon, however, no substantial food will be provided.
  • More Questions?
    Please do not hesitate to contact us at the church office at 580-353-4890 or

CONTACT US           (580) 353-4890

1108 NW 53rd Street | Lawton, OK | 73505

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