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Sharing the Good News 
throughout the world

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

Western Hills Missions Committee Mission Statement

The Missions Committee at Western Hills Church of Christ aims to advance the gospel of Christ locally, nationally and internationally through actively seeking out and planning the involvement of the WHCC congregation in various, effective mission efforts throughout the world. This includes acts of service that will lead to the accomplishment of our aim and are consistent with the teachings of the New Testament.

Benevolence is defined as a desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness. At Western Hills, we believe this includes any act of kindness or charitable gift that has the result of a material benefit to others, which could manifest as a gift of food, gasoline, bill payment, clothing or housing assistance. This benefit is received with no condition of emotional or spiritual assistance.

For information or questions regarding any WHCC mission efforts, please email Missions Deacon Dean Ellis or contact any member of the WHCC Missions Committee: Dean Ellis (deacon/chair), Zane Mohler, Jeff Reinke, Gaye Lynn Reinke, Roger Wood, and Aaron Young.

Westview Boys Home/Tipton Children's Home

   Throughout each year, the Western Hills congregation offers support to the Westview Boys Home in Hollis, Okla., as well as the Tipton Children's Home in Tipton, Okla. These two facilities offer long-term care and support, with an emphasis on providing a loving, Christian atmosphere where children in need can grow physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

   WHCC collects and provides regular assistance to these programs in the form of monetary donations, as well as providing food, supplies and labor to directly benefit the children in their care. WHCC members, including our youth group, also have opportunities to fellowship with staff and residents. If you are interested in supporting this mission, visit the links above or contact the church office.


Kumanii Christian Center (Quito, Ecuador)

   Western Hills Church of Christ annually contributes monetary donations, supplies and physical support to the efforts of Operation Ecuador at the Kumanii Christian Center near the capital city of Quito in Ecuador. WHCC members have provided on-site medical care to residents in the area and helped construct facilities and utilities needed to ensure the Center is able to continue its mission of spreading the Gospel and providing life-supporting assistance to people in need.

   For more information about WHCC's international mission efforts, please email Missions Deacon Dean Ellis.


Youth Mission Trips

   Members of the WHCC Youth Group participate in regular mission activities that promote our children's own spiritual growth and servant hearts, while providing valuable support to organizations and people in need of assistance.

   These mission trips may be conducted locally, regionally or even internationally, as in the case of the photo shown, where WHCC youth assisted in the construction and repair of family dwellings in Honduras.

   For more information about WHCC youth mission trips, you may email the church office.



Sunday Morning Bible Class: 9:30 am  |  Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 am
Wednesday Evening Class: 6:30 pm

CONTACT US           (580) 353-4890

1108 NW 53rd Street | Lawton, OK | 73505

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